Sunday, June 13, 2010

Trudging Through

Life is, to me, moseying along. Just moseying. With no clear purpose for the here and now. Let me tell you what I mean.

The good news this week is that I lost 1.2 pounds! That brings my total weight loss to 8.6 lbs! I can't wait for my 10 pound mark, 'cause thats also my 5% target weight. I lost weight, even though I ate cake and ice-cream at my brother's graduation party, which always makes you feel good when you stay on track and allow yourself to be a part of parties, etc. I have felt GREAT these last few weeks, but now? I just feel stagnant.

I went and signed the paperwork for my new job at Croasdaile. I also did the drug test and the TB test. I got a nice bruise from that. To the woman who doesn't have a bruise even after being kicked down a flight of stairs, it was odd to find a bruise from such a tiny needle. Poor administration, I suppose. I don't get to do anything until Wednesday, when I have to sit through some real boring Orientation sessions for 2 days. I just want to go ahead and start, but no, stiiiiiill stagnating.

I got to see Ryan. That was probably the highlight of my week. I didn't realize just how much I missed him until I saw him. And I ran right into his arms. And man. Let me tell you. He has put on some MUSCLE! We had a great fun filled day of movies, and a 5k through the Town of Smithfield. It made me feel great to do the 5k for the Weight Watchers Walk-It Challenge, but even better to do it with him. I enjoyed that day, but it kind of made me sad that I won't be able to be with him all the time, like I am at school. It made me realize just how much he means to me, and how ready I am for the next phase of my life to begin: with him in it.

So, as you can tell, I feel like I've gotten a taste of what I want my life to be, but I feel like I'm sort of helpless in getting it there, no matter how much I want to do. I just feel like I'm trudging through.

Perhaps I can find some solace in my girls on Sex and the City. I managed to find the entire series on Ebay and won the bid for less than $50. Great steal. Hopefully, they can infuse my life with a little more glamour.

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