Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Is This 3 Months Wasted?

Why is that if you want to work, you can't seem to get any feedback from an employer? I am so frustrated right now, and am having trouble being optimistic about the situation.

I applied for this job at Croasdaile Village as a Home Care Companion on April 28. After two unanswered emails, and three or four unanswered calls, I was beginning to lose hope that I would even get answered. Then, I get a call from Human Resources. We set up an interview. The interview takes less than an hour. I get recommended for a second interview with my future supervisor, Judy. Judy is the reason that I was even going to take this job because she told my aunt that she could really use me in her department and wanted to put me to work right away.

So, I interview with Judy on June 1st. Okay. Judy says that she will hire me after about 30 minutes of her talking to me. I need to go to Orientation before I can work, and they have one tomorrow. One would think that she would tell me to come to it. No. She says she will call Human Resources. And of 'course, I get NO response back. So here it is, Orientation day. The day that I should be getting ready to start working there, but no.

No. I am sitting at home. Where I have been for almost the entire month of May, waiting on these people to hire me, or communicate with me. I can only work there until the first or second week of August. So. It looks like I won't be going to Orientation until July. And if that isn't in the first week, then I won't get to work more than a few days out of the three months I am home.

And I'm so frustrated and scared that I can't pay for things, that I'm going to cry. Great.

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