Saturday, June 5, 2010

Things Are Falling Into Place

So. As of this week, I lost 2.4 pounds, which brings my overall total weight loss to 7.4 pounds! I was very happy with this this week, considering I wasn't expecting to lose much.

I typically don't weigh myself during the week, just because then I will get disappointed if the scales aren't the same as at Weight Watchers. So, I don't do it at home. But this week, I had to go get my yearly physical at the doctor, and they took my weight. I wasn't going to ask what it was, but they put a digital readout of it right at my eye level, two inches away from my face. So what was I to do? Shut my eyes and risk falling in the pediatric office? Ohhhhh no. Not going down that road.

When I saw it, it was only Two tenths of a pound down from my weigh in at Weight Watchers last week. And being a Thursday, we should have been able to see more of a weight loss than that for the week, seeing as I weigh in on Saturdays. So that was rather depressing. But then, oh to my surprise, I lost 2.4! So, Hooray for me!

In other news, I got the "Official" call from Croasdaile about the job, and I GOT IT! So, another hooray! I am going in the next orientation on the 16th, and have my drug screen, TB test, and paperwork appointment this week! So, all is finally settling into place.

But. I have to admit. I owe a bit of my newest obsession to a few different people. First, to Tiffany, who invited me to see the film, but mostly to Amy Shu, for exposing me to the "sexy" world it is.

I. Am. Sex and the City. Obsessed.

While that kind of sounded like an AA Confession, it is, nonetheless, true. In watching the first film, after being invited by Tiff to see the sequel, I rediscovered an old love. My love of Kim Cattrall. My childhood obsession with her character Emmy, from Mannequin, has morphed into my adult love of the overtly sexual "Samantha Jones." With the exception of her sexual conquests, we are, soulmates. And anyone who knows me, or Samantha, would say that that statement is true.

So now, on my long list of things to accomplish this summer, I am adding, watch the entire Sex and the City HBO Series.

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