Monday, September 20, 2010

I Was Wrong.

It never ceases to amaze me how the things that you never thought you would like end up changing who you are. For me, that is Sigma Alpha Iota. I swore on my life that I would never join some any fraternity or sorority. I stereotyped it and said that it "wasn't me."

I have never been more wrong. This organization is all for promoting and supporting music. That is part of who I am. A musician. I will always find music more moving than visual art, film, or poetry. It is one thing that can bring me to my knees. The women in this organization never fail to astound me. They are supportive, loving, and make me feel more alive than ever before. I feel like I could do anything knowing they are there for me.

I have always relied more on myself than on any one person because I'm always afraid that the bottom will drop out and they'll turn on me, or fail to be there at all. These women are not like that. Particularly, my big sister. She is a beautiful, talented, caring, loving individual whom I admire and respect above most anyone I have ever known. I feel truly blessed for her to be my big sister and to be there for me throughout my process.

I have only just begun this process towards becoming a sister, but I already feel that it has changed my life for the better. This is one of the best decisions I ever made in my life and I cannot wait to see what else is in store for me.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

"For Every Season, Turn, Turn Turn"

Dear Blogging Community,

I am very sorry for my lack of propriety and filling you all in, but I have a good reason. If idle hands are the devil's workshop, I am definitely a child of God. 'Cause I am busy nearly every second of the day. I'm taking 19 hours this semester. And if that weren't enough, I decided to Rush Sigma Alpha Iota.

So, since I left the land of the world wide web, I moved back into my dorm at Western. I have my own room, and an awesome suite mate, who is lovely, quiet, respectful, oh... and a beast section leader. I successfully completed Band Camp, as well as wind evaluation day and I'm proud to say I'm a member of the Gold Exhibition Band and I play 1st Lead Piccolo. Not bad for a voice major, if I do say so myself. Marching Band has been going swimmingly; hot, humid, marching on mars, dirt in my lungs, sweat drenched, and with 380 uniformed members. Yeah. Insanity. GOD, I love it.

Classes are back in session and kicking my butt with full force. A quick run-through will explain my sentiment on most of them.
Music History - lots of info to process and the professor will grade my papers harder than anyone else in the free world. Overall, a good class, though.
Concert Choir - I sing alto. I sing alto. I sing alto.
Early Music Ensemble - I sing alto. I sing alto. I sing alto.
Honors American Gov't - Man is old. He calls us by last names and he really gets into politics. Kinda boring, but at least he's semi-entertaining.
Piano 3 - Brad. Kill me now.
Elementary Music - No one said this class required 15 hours of observation! And its long. And silly.
Strings - I don't like them. The man is WAY too excited about the class. I'll be glad when its over.
Choral Methods - The class that is supposed to be most pertinent to my life once I graduate is the least. Its the "Oh, look what I taught my middle schoolers today" instead of teaching me how to teach High School choir.

That's the lowdown on classes. Plus lessons. Whoo. Plus an extra "Women's Pop A capella" ensemble for Ashley. Hopefully should be a lot of fun to do. But what I'm really excited about was Rush Week for Sigma Alpha Iota. We had a ton of fun at the Ice Cream social, getting to talk one on one with the sisters, Sister Sing and Tea, and the PJ Service project cleaning Coulter. On friday, I got my bid. And my heart about beat out of my chest. I got my first note from my Big Sister today. This whole process is SO exciting. I just can't wait.

So as you can tell, I haven't neglected you, oh faithful yet few. I have simply been busy finding things to tell you about!