Sunday, May 16, 2010


This is what is known as the "Honeymoon" period. Where everything is exciting, and new, and cute! That's how Weight Watchers is for me now. Not to say it didn't take a lot of guts, and a lot of work on my part today, but I have to say; I'm pretty ecstatic about the whole situation.

So I woke up, showered, measured out my serving of cereal this morning and headed to my Nana's to attend a meeting, register, and (sigh) weigh in. I got to the meeting place with my Nana and when I walked in the door, a most unexpected thing happened. I was FLOODED with memories of my first Weight Watchers experience. It was very peculiar, yet I was glad to be filled with this sort of nostalgia.

I registered, paid, *weighed* and settled into the happy truth that this would be a definitive point of change in my life. After listening to a meeting, we sat in the circle of new members and learned about changes to the program since I left. Not much to tell; count, track, eat filling foods and exercise.

Afterwards, I put my newfound skills (and "Dining Out Companion") to good use. I went to Cracker Barrel with my Nana. We ate a FILLING meal and I walked out with a total of 6 points. Thats less that I would NORMALLY eat for a meal. Needless to say, I felt like I could accomplish anything!

Then we hit the grocery store. Kroger. The land of fresh produce. The only place in Durham that I felt that I could get quality produce that would keep for me to eat. We loaded up the cart with more vegetables and fruits than really should be allowed for two people. After pouring lean meat, wheat pasta, fat-free, sugar-free, low-carb, and plenty of Weight Watcher branded foods into the cart, we loaded up the car. Then to unload and separate at Nana's. Then into my car. Then into my house. Then upstairs to my room. Clearly, I earned my activity points for the day.

After all that, I babysat for 5 hours. Two kids. My cousins. Good pay. Overall, not a bad evening, if I hadn't been about to fall asleep from sheer exhaustion. But the money was worth it. And a video on my phone of my three and seven year old cousins performing the "Single Ladies" dance with every ounce of energy I lacked.

I say all that to say this: I. AM. READY.

I have never felt more energized, empowered, motivated, and overall excited about my life and the activities in it. I'm ready for anything and I'm happy for ME, finally. I hope this continues after next saturday at the next weigh in.

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